The one-stop shop for AI red-teaming and certification

The world’s foremost platform that offers comprehensive red teaming capabilities and compliance automation for a wide range of AI systems.

Company X: Our AI is safe, fair and reliable.

Validaitor verifies that Company X’s AI is safe, fair and reliable!

Imagine a platform that establishes trust between AI developers and the society…

…a platform that acts as an independent AI auditor nearby the AI developers.

Let us introduce the VALIDAITOR Platform

A comprehensive AI auditing, validation and certification platform that acts as a bridge of trust between the AI developers and the society. It’s not yet another MLOps tool that adds complexity. It’s easy to adopt and ready to use with its rich set of out-of-the box testing capabilities and ready-made compliance templates.

AI Red-Teaming Made Easy

Out of the box Testing

Validaitor offers many types of tests just out-of-the-box. You don’t have to write your test code, we cover all major test areas.

CI/CD for AI

Validaitor’s AI testing works behind the scenes. We provide ready-made templates and test suites so that every time you develop a new AI, testing happens automatically.

Continuous Compliance

Full integration between test results and quality controls. This keeps you compliant with the major AI standards and regulations with minimal effort.

Iterate Fast

Thanks to our continuous compliance approach, you can shift your AI as fast as you like. Be agile. We make compliance automated for you.


VALIDAITOR tests your AI models against security breaches using methods tailored to your data and model types.


Make sure your models are fair in their predictions and your datasets represent groups fairly by testing them against biases.


Are you working with datasets that contain sensitive information? VALIDAITOR makes sure that you’re preserving the private information.


From empirical robustness to performance guarantees, Validaitor offers many ready-to-use tests to evaluate the robustness of your AI systems.


With ready-made templates and questionnaires, Validaitor makes it easy to conduct AI safety and risk assessments and AI standards checks.

AI Act

European Union’s regulation on AI puts many requirements into the table. Validaitor navigates through the complexity and makes you compliant with the AI Act.

ISO 42001

Validaitor enables you to apply the worlds first AI management system. With automated controls and tests, we make sure you apply the highest AI standards in your company.


Govern, Map, Measure and Manage! Validaitor enables you to apply NIST’s standard on AI risk management with ease.


Collaborate with your peers, internal or external stakeholders including your auditors and consultants. Validaitor comes with powerful interaction tools and approval mechanisms.

ALl-in-one platform for trustworthy ai

Validaitor brings all major AI quality and risk management frameworks together

Validaitor enables you to implement major AI standards with ease and automate your compliance work so that you can concentrate on the best practices in responsible and trustworthy AI

ISO 42001

The ISO standard for AI management system


The NIST standard for AI risk management

AI Act

European Union’s comprehensive AI regulation

Validaitor helps in every stage of the AI lifecycle

We support different deployment options

  • Use our SaaS platform with easy onboarding and quick start.
  • We guarantee to keep your assets secure and private.
  • We deploy our platform in your virtual cloud or your infrastructure.
  • Your assets always remain on your site and never leave your environment.

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